Wednesday, May 13, 2015

I don't wanna get up!!!

I don't wanna get up!!!

Do you ever have one of those days when you just don't feel like getting out of bed?

I had a day like that this past week. I didn't feel like being nice. I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I just wanted to sleep. 

Sometimes when life is 'too much' or things get overwhelming, you just want to step back a bit. It may be hard to be positive. Yet that is exactly what you need to do and be to get out of the funk. 

I knew I needed to chant to transform my negative feelings. BUT, I didn't 'feel' like chanting anything. I'm sure you've been there, done that too!

Do you realize you are chanting all the time?

Every thought is a chant. If you have a persistent, negative thought, notice the effect it is having on your life.

Master Sha teaches what you chant is what you become.

Every thought is a chant. If it's positive, our soul grows and develops. If it's negative, our soul shrinks and is malnourished.

Virtue is soul food. Yes, there really is soul food! Love and light feed our soul. Positive thoughts bring in love and light. Helping others brings in love and light. You get that warm, fuzzy feeling when you are doing a good deed. 

Do a little experiment with me.

Think love, heal, thank you all day.

Turn it into a song. I find this happens automatically for me.

Every time you notice a negative thought creeping into your mind, immediately say I'm sorry and then change it to love, heal, thank you. Do this all day and notice how different you feel.

In general, the more often and longer you do this the better you will feel. You may find you love doing this because it makes you feel so much better. This is truly a 'master' mantra. 

Love melts all blockages and transforms all life. 

Heal is a Soul Order, a command. 

Thank you expresses our deepest gratitude. 

Please share your results.  

See you next time! 

Love, peace, harmony, and greatest gratitude. 

Gloria K

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Music Uplifts and Opens My Heart

As a child our home was filled with music and singing. It lifted our spirits in the difficult times right after World War II ended. We were very poor. I remember living in a one-room cabin on a mountainside with a blanket on a rope as a room divider. That time and place held my happiest memories as a child. My mother took us on walks in nature to pick wild strawberries, or other berries, all the while singing songs and telling fairy-tale stories. She embodied the magic to make these stories come to life.

My mom and dad often sang together accompanied by my dad playing his guitar. He played the harmonica, accordion, auto-harp, and violin. My mom played the piano and harmonica. My little brother also sang and played the guitar. I played piano and sang. We often sang songs such as 'You are My Sunshine,' 'Red River Valley,' Home on the Range, Jesus Loves Me, Amazing Grace, How Great Thou Art, and many other hymns.

Fast-forward many years to the present. One of my students introduced me to Dr. Zhi Gang Sha in February 2005. I was intrigued. I enjoyed his classes for Soul Song singing and became certified as a Soul Song Singer. I sang freely on stage in front of other students. This ability brought me great joy.  My soul began to heal (will share more in future blog posts).

Heal and transform the soul first; then healing 
and transformation of every aspect of life will follow. 
~ Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha

I transformed a lifelong emotional imbalance of anger which had negatively impacted every aspect of my life, making it extremely difficult to experience normal relationships. My anger and rage has now transformed to a level of only occasional irritability. As I continue my practices I know even this will further transform to deep inner peace and joy.

Opening the heart through Tao Song blessings will assist 
in the transformation of every aspect of life.
~ Gloria Kovacevich

I welcome and invite you to join me in my journey of opening the heart through Tao Song. I will share how I use Tao Song in daily life to open my heart, your heart, and the hearts of others, including pets, animals, nature, and much more, in this blog.

I hope you too will enjoy incorporating Tao Song into your daily life for service to assist others to become happier and healthier.

Let us enjoy the beautiful Divine Soul Song of Love, Peace and Harmony. Sing along, hum along, or follow along silently in your mind.

  • You may download the multilingual PDF of the lyrics here.
  • You may download the beautiful orchestrated free mp3 here.

Enjoy this beautiful Tao Song in your home, in your car while driving to and from work, while shopping, or running errands. Play it in your workplace for greater harmony in relationships among colleagues and your boss(es). Your children will love this song as it brings the greatest love, peace, and harmony into all situations.

Love, peace, and harmony, with greatest gratitude and blessings.

See you next time!

Gloria K