Wednesday, May 13, 2015

I don't wanna get up!!!

I don't wanna get up!!!

Do you ever have one of those days when you just don't feel like getting out of bed?

I had a day like that this past week. I didn't feel like being nice. I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I just wanted to sleep. 

Sometimes when life is 'too much' or things get overwhelming, you just want to step back a bit. It may be hard to be positive. Yet that is exactly what you need to do and be to get out of the funk. 

I knew I needed to chant to transform my negative feelings. BUT, I didn't 'feel' like chanting anything. I'm sure you've been there, done that too!

Do you realize you are chanting all the time?

Every thought is a chant. If you have a persistent, negative thought, notice the effect it is having on your life.

Master Sha teaches what you chant is what you become.

Every thought is a chant. If it's positive, our soul grows and develops. If it's negative, our soul shrinks and is malnourished.

Virtue is soul food. Yes, there really is soul food! Love and light feed our soul. Positive thoughts bring in love and light. Helping others brings in love and light. You get that warm, fuzzy feeling when you are doing a good deed. 

Do a little experiment with me.

Think love, heal, thank you all day.

Turn it into a song. I find this happens automatically for me.

Every time you notice a negative thought creeping into your mind, immediately say I'm sorry and then change it to love, heal, thank you. Do this all day and notice how different you feel.

In general, the more often and longer you do this the better you will feel. You may find you love doing this because it makes you feel so much better. This is truly a 'master' mantra. 

Love melts all blockages and transforms all life. 

Heal is a Soul Order, a command. 

Thank you expresses our deepest gratitude. 

Please share your results.  

See you next time! 

Love, peace, harmony, and greatest gratitude. 

Gloria K


  1. Loved reading your teachings on 'what we chant is what we become'. Something I need to bring into my awareness regularly. I will definitely do the experiment with you. Thank you for your loving teachings Gloria.

  2. Thank you Vicki, I look forward to reading your sharing of your experience with the challenge. <3
